Illness & Medication

Illness at School

There is no full-time nurse on campus. Parents will be notified immediately in the case of a serious injury or illness. In the interim, students will be asked to rest in the front office until they can be picked up by a parent, friend or relative. It is important that clear arrangements for an emergency contact person be in place with the administration. If the school cannot reach a parent to pick up his or her child, the emergency contact person stated on the Emergency Medical Form will be called.

Medication Dispensing Policy

No medications, including over the counter pain relievers will be given to any student by Overlake faculty or staff. Students who need medications during the day must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Students must never share over-the-counter or prescription medications with others.
  • Students who need to self-administer prescription drugs during the school day or during school activities must have written authorization from a physician to do so.
  • Students who need to self-administer over-the-counter or prescription medications during the school day or during school activities shall bring to school only the amount of medication to be taken that day.
  • A student with specialized needs should review his or her situation with the Middle or Upper School Head.


Krishna Davda

Assistant Upper School Head
