Graduation Requirement

Upper School Outdoor Education Graduation Requirement*:

The following requirements must be met for Outdoor Education credit:

  1. The student shall go on at least one overnight trip or the combination of two day trips sponsored by the Outdoor Program. An overnight trip is two days outside with one night spent outside, leaving campus one morning, camping out that evening and returning to campus the next afternoon/evening. Examples include backpacking, snow camping, two days of rock climbing or sea kayaking. A day trip is one day outside, leaving campus in the morning and returning that afternoon or evening. Examples include a day hike, mountain biking, snowshoeing, rafting, one day of rock climbing or sea kayaking.
  2. These trips can be completed any time in the students four years in upper school. This includes summer trips, approved Project Week trips, and outdoor trips that are required as a part of an Overlake Outdoor Education class. Students are eligible to obtain this credit starting the summer between their Eighth Grade and Freshman year, but must be completed by graduation. Any exemptions or exceptions to this requirement must be approved by the Director of Outdoor Education.
  3. To receive credit for participating on an outdoor trip, each student must meet the criteria outlined for that trip. This may include but is not limited to students taking responsibility for their own actions and belongings, following safety instructions as well as cooperating and working together with others. Credit may not be given if a student refuses to participate on a trip, breaks the Overlake drug/alcohol policy, has any other disciplinary actions on a trip, or compromises the safety of themselves and others by not following the instructions and guidelines set on each trip. Also, every effort will be made to accommodate students with special medical or physical needs.
  4. In the event that a student has questions or concerns about the loss of credit for any reason, the Director of Outdoor Education in consultation with the individual trip leader will make the decision.

*Graduation requirement for Class of 2013 and beyond.


José Gonzalez
Experiential Education Department Chair