Ways to Give

All gifts are vital to the support of The Overlake School. There are many different ways to make a gift. Listed below are options you may wish to consider when making a gift to Overlake.

Online Giving

Making a secure online gift is easy!

Please visit our online giving form to make a secure online donation or pledge to the school’s Overlake Fund or Senior Class Legacy Fund.  Overlake accepts American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa, as well as e-check (you will need your bank account and routing numbers).

Alternatively, you can set up a pledge by emailing Megan Schoening, or calling her at 425-602-7053. Please note that Overlake Fund pledges should be fulfilled by June 15, 2025.

Giving by Mail

Current gifts are always appreciated and are tax deductible to the fullest extent as permitted by law. To send a check, please make a note of its purpose (e.g., Overlake Fund, Senior Class Legacy Fund, Endowment, etc.) and mail to:

The Overlake School
Attn: Development Office
20301 NE 108th St
Redmond, WA 98053


If you hold securities that would incur a tax on capital gains if sold, your outright gift to Overlake could mean significant savings. You obtain a tax deduction for the full market value of the gift, and you may avoid a tax on the increase in value. For instructions on how to make a gift of securities to Overlake, please email Brisen Brady, Director of Development, or call her at 425-602-7054.

Donor Advised Funds

A donor advised fund (DAF) is a named charitable giving account you can set up under a public charity, most often a sponsoring financial or community institution such as Schwab Charitable, Fidelity Charitable or Seattle Foundation, among others. To donate through your DAF, simply contact your sponsoring financial or community institution to recommend a grant to The Overlake School. 


Please note the U.S. Pension Protection Act of 2006 establishes certain restrictions applying to donor advised funds. It's important to be aware of these to make sure that a donation through a DAF meets your needs and charitable intent. The restrictions that most often impact donors concern pledges and accepting donor benefits. 


Pledges — When a DAF is established, the donor may recommend but not legally direct future charitable grants. As the donor has given up legal ownership of the fund, they are prohibited from making a legally binding pledge from their DAF to the charity they want to support. In addition, donors may not fulfill previously existing, legally binding pledges through their DAF. Please email Brisen Brady to notify the school of your intent to recommend a grant, as it assists us with future planning. 


Donor Benefits — Donating through a DAF limits the donor benefits you may receive. Because a full tax deduction is received at the time of establishing or funding the DAF, donors are unable to receive a deduction when a grant disbursement is processed. 


Special Event Tickets and Donations — Donors wishing to support The Overlake School through special events such as our Owls Night Out community celebration should be aware that event tickets may not be purchased through a DAF. Sponsorships and event donations through your DAF are welcomed, minus the value of any claimed event tickets included in our sponsorship packages. Please email McKenna Quick with any questions on supporting Owls Night Out.


Planned Giving – When establishing a DAF, a qualified charity such as The Overlake School may be recommended to receive any remaining balance in the DAF upon the death of the donor.


Matching Gifts

Many companies offer matching gifts programs for employees; please contact your HR department for details. Matching gifts are a great way to help Overlake meet its fundraising objectives while maximizing your philanthropic giving.

Matching gifts will be applied toward a donor’s total giving level. Please contact Megan Schoening, or call her at 425-602-7053 with any questions regarding matching gifts.

Honorary Gifts

Overlake gratefully recognizes gifts made in memory or in honor of friends, family, or faculty members, or to acknowledge a birthday, graduation or other significant event.

Endowment Funds

Overlake is pleased to accept gifts to our growing endowment, which helps ensure the future of the school. For more information about giving to our endowment, please visit the Endowment page. In addition, donations to the endowment may be made via a deferred gift, as detailed below.

Shop For Overlake

Overlake partners with eScrip that give a percentage of sales back to the school when our community shops.


eScrip is an easy fundraising program that everyone in the community can participate in. Sign up your grocery club cards, credit cards and debit/ATM cards, and a portion of your purchases at participating businesses will go back to Overlake, at no cost to you! To join today, please complete this short eScrip registration form. Returning eScrip supporters can add Overlake as an eScrip recipient.

Planned Giving Opportunities

The Overlake Heritage Society recognizes and honors individuals who have included the school in their estate plans. Overlake’s planned giving program provides a variety of ways to make a planned gift that does not deplete lifetime assets and, in some cases, can furnish additional income and significant tax deductions. Below is a list of options you may wish to consider when making a gift to Overlake:

  • Bequests - A gift provided in your will may be a percentage of your estate, the residual of the estate, a certain item, or a specific dollar amount. Estate taxes may be reduced by a bequest to Overlake.
  • Charitable Remainder Trust - This trust provides either a fixed or variable income for you and your family. Part of the trust qualifies for an income tax deduction and at the death of the last beneficiary, the assets of the trust are distributed to Overlake.
  • Charitable Lead Trust - This trust allows you to pass on assets to family members with significant estate and gift tax savings while allowing Overlake to benefit from the income for the duration of the trust.
  • Gifts of Real Estate - A gift of real estate provides considerable tax benefits. You also have the option of retaining the right to occupy the property for life or even to receive the income it generates.
  • Gifts of Life Insurance or Pension Benefits - A gift of life insurance allows you to contribute a previously acquired policy that may no longer be needed for its initial purpose and realize tax benefits. Overlake may also be named as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, company pension or profit-sharing plan, or of a private fund such as an IRA, Keogh, or tax-sheltered annuity.

We appreciate your interest in and support of The Overlake School. Your attorney or financial planner can provide additional information on how these ways of giving apply to your specific situation. If you are interested in learning more about these gift opportunities for you and Overlake, please email Brisen Brady, Director of Development, or call her at 425-602-7054.

The Overlake School is an incorporated not-for-profit, 501(c)(3), tax ID 91 0814431. Gifts made to the school are tax deductible to the extent allowed by IRS regulations for charitable donations.

Overlake Fund & Senior Class Legacy Fund Giving Circles

$50,000+ • Overlake Visionary Circle

$25,000 - $49,999 • 1967 Founders Circle

$15,000 - $24,999 • Head’s Circle

$10,000 - $14,999 • Green and Gold Circle

$5,000 - $9,999 • Tall Firs Circle

$3,000 - $4,999 • Leadership Circle

$1,000 - $2,999 • Owls Circle

$1 - $999 • Friends of Overlake


Megan Schoening
Assistant Director of Development 