Olympic Peninsula Environmental Adventure

students collect samples in the river
Patricia Noble
Karen Parker

5th and 6th grade owls are invited to explore our pacific northwest environment through a lens of sustainability. During our 5-day, 4-night experience, we will explore the interconnectedness of life on the Olympic Peninsula. From tribal storytelling to studying the surrounding ecosystem, we will rally with one another and learn about how we might enable this history to flourish. In conjunction with NatureBridge outdoor education guides, learning and inquiry will extend beyond the classroom into a tangible effort to fortify the Elwha River basin. Students will gain appreciation and inspiration while learning about one of the largest restoration and recovery projects in human history, just beyond our back door!

Special Considerations

Students will be off-line for the duration of this experience. The Overlake School/NatureBridge will accommodate dietary restrictions and allergy intervention. Temperatures may be cool/cold. Students should expect to be outdoors throughout each day and must have comfortable clothing/gear. In addition, students will be housed in cabins. A warm sleeping bag is a must. If gear is a limiting factor for your family, we will work with you to acquire the necessary items!

Overlake requires that on a day to be specified before departure, Overlake will administer a COVID test to all participants and leaders. To participate in the Project Week, the test must be negative, and students must be symptom-free from any illness to leave on a trip. 

Participants must be willing to follow COVID guidelines.  Participants should only attend illness free. If a participant should test positive for COVID during the project, the student will be isolated, and the student’s family will be required to pick them up at their current location.  The family will bear all the costs associated with the student pick up. 

By selecting the above project, you and your family are accepting the financial responsibility for the cost of the projects.  This includes any unrecoverable expenses incurred if Overlake, or any federal, state or local government forces cancelation of the project, or if you or your family decide not to attend, or if your student becomes symptomatic and has to be isolated. 

Project Week (2023-24)

Mar 25, 2024 - Mar 29, 2024


Nikki Day
Project Week