Middle School Students Flock to Spring Sports


It’s highly likely that when Overlake’s Middle School lets out in the afternoon that students aren’t going home. They’re heading to a golf course, baseball, lacrosse, or ultimate field.

87-percent of Overlake students are participating in a spring sport. Middle School Athletic Director Mike Fine says our younger Owl student athletes know that our sports programs not only improve skills but are also really fun. “They’ve been around school long enough now that in the spring it’s about playing with your buddies,” says Fine. “They feel like they’re a part of something special, and it’s those memories and experiences that when they get older and play into the varsity level makes them not only better but closer.”

He says that our Middle School baseball team had a great turnout, and, no matter the sport, all the coaches do their best to get everyone in the game.

As we head into Project Week and spring break, Fine offers this advice to our middle school athletes. “It’s always good to practice your skills so even just throwing a ball against a wall or playing catch with a friend is good enough. Just keep the body used to what you’ve been doing so that when you come back it’s not a shock to your system,” says Fine.

He adds that after a two week break, many students come back to spring sports missing it and appreciating it even more. Of course, the improving weather helps too. “When the sun comes out, you see all kinds of growth. Whether it’s in their play or even physically, the sunshine pops up, and you get your dose of vitamin D,” says Fine.

After a long winter, many of us can relate to that.