Information Literacy & Technology
The mission of Overlake’s Technology Program is to provide technological leadership, expertise, and systems to support learning. Our vision is to cultivate an inclusive community of learners who comprehend and control the transformational power of technology for good, recognizing the social and moral impact of modern technologies. We seek to foster the intentional use of technology to better live Overlake’s mission and values, and in doing so, to promote the lifelong skill of learning how to learn.
The school's academic departments, library and technology staff work together to support the school's mission and curricular goals.
To that end, Overlake offers discrete courses in technology that are collaborations with other academic departments, such as Math and Computer Science, Arts, and Social Studies. We place a strong emphasis on technology integration into all academic courses with assistance from our Instructional Coach for Technology and our technology team. Our student device program and our learning management system, Canvas, are also critical tools in integrating technology throughout the program. Please visit the Technology site to learn more about technology at Overlake.