MS Campus Access During Non-Class Times

Expectations regarding where students should be before and after school and during lunch:

  1. Students who arrive at school early may be in the Campus Center, the TLC Student Center or the Library.
  2. After eating lunch, students may remain in the Campus Center.  They also have the option of going to the Library, the TLC Student Center, the Fieldhouse or hanging outside in the areas immediately surrounding the Campus Center.
  3. Students who remain after school and are not in a supervised activity, such as athletics or arts program, should report to the library at 3:10pm and remain until transportation home is available.

The most important reason for these expectations is student safety.  The spaces listed above generally have an adult presence, even if the students are not being overtly supervised.  We must also be aware of the fact that Upper School classes are in session throughout the day in classroom buildings.  Students should not be in classrooms or classroom buildings before school, after lunch, or after school unless there is an adult present.  Students may enter classroom buildings five (5) minutes before the start of class before the first block and after lunch. 

In addition, students may not be in wooded areas or on the trails during the school day unless they are with a teacher. 


Krishna Davda
Head of Student Experience