Twilight Imperium

Twilight Imperium
Eric Clifford

Do you enjoy board games, but need a new challenge?  Do you enjoy epic science fiction experiences that incorporate big battles, diplomacy, political intrigue, technological development, trade deals and economic challenges?  Have you ever heard of this behemoth of a game?  Ever ponder playing it, but lack enough players or the time to bring it to the table? 

This game is a legend in the board gaming community.  Experience a game with equal parts galactic war, economic puzzle, and diplomacy as you vie for control of the universe!  Expect elements of role playing and an emergent narrative to develop as you play one of 17 unique factions with unique back stories and special abilities. 

It’s not all war and battles.  You can win via other paths.  A mix of objective types exist in the game and nonmilitary objectives also lead towards victory.  Craft your own path balancing the various goals with the strengths and weaknesses of the various factions versus your own.  The most distinctive aspect of this game, according to many board gamers, is that it has every board game mechanic rolled into one giant package: worker placement, area control, drafting, voting, trading, combat, dice-rolling, world-building, miniatures, character abilities, set-collection, diplomacy/king-making, and so much more.

Do you want to rule the universe?

Special Considerations

This game is LONG!  Do you have the attention span to maintain your interest/focus in such a big game?  We will definitely take breaks, but a single play-through of this game can take 10+ hours for new players (it does get quicker with experience).  This makes project week the ideal place to try it since it won’t fit into most people’s normal, everyday schedules.  We expect two full play throughs of the game throughout the week.

While there are many ways to win the game, if you don’t like direct conflict and battles where others attack you, this may not be the project for you.  It is a competitive experience.  You can win the game without initiating battles, but there are no promises that others won’t bring them to your door step. 

Also linked to the competitive aspect of the game, you need to be able to separate events IN the game with your feelings towards your classmates OUTSIDE of the game.  Your faction may be angry at the aggressive actions of others or the deal your neighbor just broke, but you as a human being in real life need to appreciate the clever plans and strategies of your friends.  Remember, it is just a game (albeit a HUGE and awesome one).

Participants must be willing to follow COVID guidelines.  Participants should only attend illness free. If a participant should test positive for COVID during the project, the student will be isolated, and the student’s family will be required to pick them up at their current location.  The family will bear all the costs associated with the student pick up. 

By selecting the above project, you and your family are accepting the financial responsibility for the cost of the projects.  This includes any unrecoverable expenses incurred if Overlake, or any federal, state or local government forces cancelation of the project, or if you or your family decide not to attend, or if your student becomes symptomatic and has to be isolated. 

Project Week (2023-24)

Mar 25, 2024 - Mar 29, 2024


Nikki Day
Project Week