Rock Climbing & Hiking in Joshua Tree - MS

Joshua Tree
Connor Middleton

We will spend the week camping out, hiking, and rock climbing in one of the most unique National Parks.  Students will learn about the park's history, flora, and fauna in the Mohave Desert, the extensive trail system in the park, rock climbing gear and techniques, and camping and cooking skills with a group.  Students will also learn and practice leadership skills through the different activities, evening discussions, and by being leader of the day.  No rock-climbing experience is necessary, but this trip's members will participate in the Quarter 3 Overlake Climbing Club leading up to Project Week. There, students will learn the basics of knot tying, belaying, and climbing techniques, along with planning hikes, meals, and more centered around camp life during the trip. This will be immensely helpful as we will build up the climbing endurance and skills necessary to make the most of our week in Joshua Tree. 

Special Considerations

We will be procuring airfare in early January, so please do not make other travel arrangements for spring break until we do. 

Overlake requires that on a day to be specified before departure, Overlake will administer a COVID test to all participants and leaders. To participate in the Project Week, the test must be negative, and students must be symptom-free from any illness to leave on a trip. 

Participants must be willing to follow King County and destination travel COVID guidelines.  If a participant should become COVID positive during the trip, the student will be isolated, and the student’s family will be required to pick up the student within 36 hours at their current location.  The family will bear all the costs associated with any travel to pick up their student and any costs for isolation or return travel. 

By selecting the above project, you and your family are accepting the financial responsibility for the cost of the projects.  This includes any unrecoverable expenses incurred if Overlake, or any federal, state or local government forces cancelation of the project, or if you or your family decide not to attend, or your student becomes COVID positive and needs to be isolated. 

Project Week (2024-25)

Mar 24, 2025 - Mar 28, 2025


Zeya Kyaw
Assistant Director of Experiential Education