MS Statement of Purpose

At Overlake, we view the four years of middle school as a journey. Growth and change, which can be challenging in the best circumstances, are an everyday part of life for adolescents. The way they process information is changing, the way they relate to others is changing, and their perceptions of themselves as individuals is under constant review. Middle school at Overlake is about learning all of the core content and skills that come with studying a variety of academic subjects in a rigorous environment. It’s also about learning how to live in community, how to interact within a diverse social group, how to be a strong student, and how to have a secure sense of self in a fast-paced and increasingly dynamic world.

The Middle School Faculty has outlined below some of the key skills and mindsets that we believe are important for our students to be exposed to, to practice, and with some work, to master in adolescence.

  • Consistently do your own work on time
  • Be independent and self reliant
  • Ask for help and find resources
  • Set goals and be organized
  • Stand against the mistreatment of others
  • Prioritize commitments and manage time responsibly
  • Use a variety of strategies to manage your stress
  • Be a team player who others can count on
  • Willingly collaborate with others to learn and solve problems
  • Be open to new friends
  • Balance your personal needs with those of the group
  • Be aware that different behaviors fit different situations
  • Be kind and considerate
  • Reflect on the possible impacts of your decisions
  • Be willing to go beyond the minimum expectation
  • Face, embrace, and persevere through challenges
  • Demonstrate a strong work ethic
  • Be intentionally inclusive
  • Have the courage to choose when to lead and when to follow
  • Do the best that you can do
  • Communicate clearly through a variety of media
  • Be able to both forgive and laugh at yourself after setbacks and struggles
  • Model strong leadership
  • Be willing to learn


Mike Davidson
Middle School Head