Transportation Registration is Open

Overlake School Bus

Overlake School bus transportation registration for the 2017-18 school year is now open.

Each year we attempt to review transportation improvements that can be made for the upcoming school year. Based on historic demand, and continued anticipated popularity of the Clyde Hill and Bellevue Way QFC stops, we are attempting to balance out the passenger load. Hence the revisions pertaining to the 520 Route, the Kirkland Route, and the S. Bellevue Way Route. There are no changes to any of our Zero Period and Sammamish routes.

Please take a minute to view the Transportation Website where you can:

If your student will need to use another route or stop regularly, we will be happy to issue an ongoing bus pass, which the driver will keep in the alternate bus all school year. In this case, your student will be responsible to know which bus and stop they will use each day.

If you need financial assistance with transportation fees, contact the Admission Department for an application.

The weekend prior to school starting (8/26), I will send at an email to you for the specific routes/stops that you have registered for that will provide additional general information that may assist you and your students.