Books I Have Loved 2025

“The writer’s words on the page create structure, character, and voice—but there are gaps, the dark matter, the unknown, and the not written. It is the reader who fills this gap. …Writer and reader have joined together to make the writing whole.” –Avi, Newbery acceptance speech
This year, we decided to try something new with our annual faculty/staff "Books I Have Loved" list. Instead of posting the whole list at one time, I will post a different person's recommendations either weekly or fortnightly, depending on how many submit titles. All titles will be included in an end-of-year list. In addition, I will add a middle school recommendation to each week's list, in case you are looking for a good book for your student to read. The list will be linked from the weekly newsletter, and can also be found here. We may change the format into something more graphic in the future!
“…Great writing reveals what we know—but never noticed before. Great writing identifies that most elusive of all things—that which we have seen but had not noticed, that did not seem to exist until it was named.” –Ibid.
Logo created by Willa B., 6th.