Two Sentence Horror Story Contest!

The Two-Sentence Horror Story challenges students to do just that--write a scary or funny horror story in two sentences. Here are this year's winners.
Scary Stories
Ever since I called an exterminator for the rats, they’ve been quiet. He’s still down there, so I guess they aren’t hungry anymore. --Diya M., 8th
Second Place
My son complained, saying there were monsters under the bed. I checked under the bed and saw my real son, who looked terrified and said, “Dad, there is someone on my bed.” --Daksha, 7th
Third Place
I cried when my mom was chopping up onions. Onions was my favorite cat. --Yihan, 7th
Honorable Mention
They delivered the mannequins in bubble wrap. From the main room, I began to hear popping. --Isabel, 8th
Funny Stories
As I hugged my dog, I said: “I’m sorry, bud, I was hoping you’d never find out…you’re ADOPTED.” My dog froze, then turned around, walking over to the cat and whispering: “I’m still the favorite.” --Saanvi, 7th