Battle of the Books 2024

Students competing in Battle of the Books collage

The Battle of the Books is a combination reading contest/game show, open to 6th-8th graders. 5th graders Battled on Tuesday, February 27. 6th-8th graders who signed up had a preliminary round on Thursday, February 29, and the top teams then competed against Open Window and St. Thomas virtually on Monday, March 4. 5th Booklist. 6th-8th Booklist. All participants read at least two or three books from a list of ten (5th grade) or thirteen (6th-8th), chosen by students and the librarian(s). Books already read do count! Most of the books on the lists are chosen by students. See photos here!

6th-8th Grade Winners 2024!
Congratulations to Open Window Team One for the win! Overlake Teams One and Two tied for second, so congratulations also go to: Raina, 7th, Catherine, 7th, Syna, 6th, Saanvi, 6th, Jack, 7th, Charles, 6th, Sinhi, 6th, Sloka, 6th, Diya M., 7th, Serena, 6th, Karys, 6th, Phoebe, 6th.

5th Grade Winners 2024!
Congratulations to Teams One, Three, and Four! They emerged in a three-way tie after a hard-fought, six-team Battle involving the whole 5th grade. Congratulations: Dhruv, Hsu, Nathan, Mackenzie, Luna, Shreya, Avery, Brecken, Jayani, Ron, Andrea, Nora, Serena, Bei, and Tiolu!

Many thanks go to all the teachers who helped read books and write up questions, and/or helped out at the Battle with timing, scorekeeping, crowd control, tech support, and photography. Especial thanks go to Lauren Richey, librarian at Open Window, and Erin Quarterman, librarian at St. Thomas, for putting together teams and Battling with us virtually. Especial thanks also to the 5th grade team for allowing their whole grade to participate. And of course, many thanks to all the students who read so many books and Battled so hard!

Overlake helpers: Tara Mounsey, Kelly Vikstrom-Hoyt, Andrea McCandlish, Jay Heath, Caroline Balitzer, Karen Mihata, Robe Roberson, Patricia Noble, Katie Viacava, Greg Morse, Patty Cavallerano.