Photo Finish Contest Winners!

Displays of photo collages and handwritten student stories

The Photo Finish Contest challenges students to choose three photos from a box of cut-out magazine photos, and write a story that includes and is inspired by the photos. This contest makes for a very colorful display in the Library! You can see all the winners here on the MS Activities page of the Library website, and you can see all six finalists here.

To whet your appetite, here is the winning story; you'll need to go to the site to see the photos that inspired it!

True Love

by Rylie, 8th

Annabeth and Ruth had been in a happy marriage for 60 years, but this anniversary was bittersweet. Ruth was aging and chronically ill, keeping a pained smile on his face as he sat in their rose garden, admiring the lightly rolling waves of the Venice Beach before their white picket fence home. The table they sat at had weathered white paint, chipped away by time, and the once gold-painted chair legs were rusted and old. 

Annabeth let a lone tear roll down her face as she reminisced on the memories she had made with her husband over the years; beautiful years in which they gave nothing but their unwavering care and support to one another. But now, it seemed, she’d let the years precede her, passing her by without a second thought. 

Through her tears, she held out handmade quilt to Ruth, on which she’d toiled away on for years, adorned and embroidered with colorful renditions of the cherished moments they’d had together.  She thought of the roses he’d planted for her 20 years back, roses that still looked beautiful to her, as withered as they’d become, all faded and curled in upon themselves. 

Even if she allowed her tears to fall freely, unabated, she never let her radiant smile, filled with love, falter for a moment. She knew as old as their love would get, as much as time would test them, there would be nothing quite as beautiful as it was, and forever would be.