Parliament Creates Halloween Town

Halloween Town

Sometimes when life serves up lemons, it's the perfect opportunity to carve pumpkins!

That was the case in this week's Parliament activities. Due to issues that forced our featured speaker to stay overseas and cancel Tuesday's Owl Talk, ASB leaders quickly came up with a plan b. 

Gathering pumpkins, carving tools, and cookies, they created stations where students could take their minds off classes and relax in a fun and festive fall atmosphere. Calling it Halloween Town, students took part in cookie decorating, grade level pumpkin carving, movie watching in Disco, and study time in the library.

Parliament is a monthly opportunity for students to create "low key" activities to build community among US students. As for our featured guest, Valentino Achak Deng, he will visit in April along with Overlake Alum LT Cosmos ('16). They will present a program on Building a Sustainable Future for South Sudan

We'll make sure to bring your their story next spring.

Click here for a slideshow of Tuesday's Parliament.